• Adrienne

    Elizabeth, thanks for this one. I love this painting – it’s one of my favorites of yours – and hearing your story behind it makes me feel all the more connected to it. It is truly a never-ending practice to show love to others and ourselves in the constant, humble way that you describe. “love is often a series of small, uncomplicated gestures”: that says it all! Love you sister.

    August 20, 2014
    • Adrienne

      haha my icon!!

      August 20, 2014
    • Elizabeth McDonnell

      I laughed out loud when I saw your icon. Love it. And I’m so glad that my story connected you further to the painting – that makes me happy. Love you!

      August 20, 2014
  • Love reading your insights Elizabeth! You make a lot of sense. I was having a similar thought yesterday when I was doing something in my journal, and I was feeling a bit yucky about it, judging myself and the painting. Then I thought, no, I need to let myself play without judgement. Everything is part of the journey. A painting isn’t necessarily good or bad, it just IS. And changing my attitude like that transformed my feelings about the painting! I now look at it and I like it and feel proud of what it is.

    August 20, 2014
    • Elizabeth McDonnell

      Iris, thanks so much for reading! isn’t it amazing what a little perspective will do? Glad to hear you were able to turn things around and like your painting. It truly is a journey. Do you have the painting posted anywhere?

      August 20, 2014
  • What a beautiful post! And a beautiful painting. :-) Thanks so much for sharing.

    August 20, 2014
    • Elizabeth McDonnell

      Thanks so much for reading, Keetha! Glad to have you here :)

      August 20, 2014

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