Nothing is impossible (new sketches, note cards, and more)
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible!” Audrey Hepburn
I’ve been thinking about possible vs. impossible lately.
How what feels impossible at first becomes possible over a series of days, weeks, months, years.
And how each new step can feel like the same pattern: impossible to possible, then back again as we’re stretched to new levels.
Here’s to our journeys feeling possible, even on the hard days. We can do this.
♥ ♥ ♥
One of the biggest shifts in the past few weeks has been that my youngest sister moved away to college. This year marked my 10 year anniversary of graduating from college, but I still remember those first few weeks and how filled they are with excitement and fear and new experiences.
A few days before she left, we went on one last walk in the woods and came across a red fox. Foxes are so shy that I rarely ever see them, and this one was so beautiful. I wasn’t fast enough to get a picture, but I’ve started sketching foxes in honor of that memory to add to upcoming paintings.
Here are some recent sketches:
♥ ♥ ♥
The last few weeks have also been super full as we prep for Greenfest (which is now right around the corner on September 13th). If you’re local to Philly and want to stop by my booth, I’d love to see you! All the details are here. I’ll also be sending out reminders via social media closer to the date, so connect with me on Facebook and Instagram if you haven’t yet.
We’re busy printing and packaging prints, as well as putting finishing touches on the booth design. I feel myself moving beyond my comfort zone by sharing my art in person, and it’s an exciting step. Here I am taking advantage of having so much work printed and doing some photography for my shop:
♥ ♥ ♥
In the midst of all this I’ve been having a difficult week emotionally and in-between lots of self-care and giving my heart some time to rest, it’s felt good to keep circling back to this: nothing is impossible.
This doesn’t mean that life won’t feel impossible, because it will. We’ll be tested, challenged, made to surrender. We’ll question everything and feel the pain of loss.
And then will come the release.
When we trust that everything works out just as it’s meant to, when we release our hold on control and soften into that trust, new possibilities are born.
I came across this quote recently – happiness is the experience of living every moment with love, grace, and gratitude (Denis Waitley) – and it’s been a great reminder that gratitude can still be found even in the hard moments.
We can still breathe into love.
Here’s to possibility, in all shapes and sizes. May we find what’s possible today.
With love,
I’m looking forward to seeing you and your art at Greenfest!
Elizabeth McDonnell
I’m looking forward to seeing you too!
Leah Alexandra
I LOVE these lil foxes!!!
Elizabeth McDonnell
Yay Leah! and they love you :)