Monthly stickers progress and life around here lately
“The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us” Ashley Montagu
Surprise happiness.
Have you ever realized, while in the midst of an experience, that you can tangibly feel your happiness? That you just know you’re in the middle of making a lasting memory? It’s like the laughter and smiles and conversations create an afterglow like the sun’s warmth against your skin.
As life has felt so overwhelming this summer, I’ve held onto the moments that feel this pure in love and joy.
Here are Eric and Isaac last weekend at the beach where we went to celebrate my Pop’s 80th birthday. Isn’t this just the sweetest?
I was so worried about the trip at first as the heat has been so much lately for a tiny baby. I was concerned that Isaac would overheat, that it would thunderstorm, that his sensitive skin would burn despite my best efforts or that he’d be so cranky we’d have to quickly leave.
Instead, he took a long and peaceful nap in the breezy shade of our tent. The rain never came. I got to swim in the ocean for the first time in 2 years (nothing soothes me quite like the ocean), and go on a walk through the water. I’m glad I decided to take the chance and go.
Happiness right now is a recent memory of sunshine, free time, and people I love with smiles on their faces and nowhere else to be.
What does your happiness look like today?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I finished sketching my new project!
12 little sketches to be painted and turned into monthly stickers for growing babies. Here are the rest of the sketches that I didn’t show last time:
Now to paint them! I’ve been experimenting with wearing Isaac in a wrap and that might be the only way I get any painting done (he needs constant cuddles during the day or he won’t nap). We’ll see how this goes — wish me luck!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
These days I find myself seeking sunshine-y warmth whenever possible. I’ve been seeking the pockets of happiness that catch me unexpectedly and hold me inside their glow. I’ve been seeking ease and flow, in whatever forms I can find them.
And above all else, I suddenly find myself with a 2 month old baby. I’m still a little dazed and disoriented. I’m still learning a ton. I’m still figuring out how to piece together my new life. And yet this little person chose us to make it all work, and so we will. :)
Have a beautiful day!
With love,
I love the monthly stickers! What a lovely way to document and celebrate a baby’s growth.
Elizabeth McDonnell
Yay! I’m so glad :)
Looking up always gives me surprising happiness! In this world of heads buried in I-phones, people are missing ‘hats’ on buildings, incredible clouds, rays of sunshine, reflections in windows, flags waving, a bird on the top of a tree looking at you looking at it, people’s faces when you surprise them by saying Good Morning! Up is Good…
Elizabeth McDonnell
You’ve always been great at noticing details!