My mixed media painting studio: an introduction
“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” – Rumi
Friends: as we start this journey together, I want to show you where it all began. Don’t you love beginnings?
This is where I first picked up a paint brush, took some deep breaths, and believed I could paint something beautiful. Where my cats now hang out and do their best to distract me, where my husband does his work on the other side of the room.
You’ll see the slightly messy aftermath of my first round of sales – packing supplies, printing supplies. My first week of sharing my art has been exciting for me!
I built this studio on a dream, knowing that if I poured my heart into my paintings, if I painted in words that were truthful and simple and peaceful, that others could benefit too.
You’ll see my original paintings hanging out in the background. While they wait for new homes, they have been fabulous reminders to keep creating and moving, especially when I feel tired or stressed out trying to learn 10,000 new things.
Trust yourself. Be brave. Listen. Find your peace.
Each message came to me at the right moment, when I doubted that anyone would like my art, or when I struggled to learn about taxes. They came to me when I thought about you, searching for peace and little moments of inspiration in your day.
And then I look at my tiny desk complete with brushes and inks and paints and books and feel the weight of Rumi’s words –
“there are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”
This is mine.
I’ve grown to love this makeshift studio, complete with a desk we got at Costco and wooden milk crates from a flea market. One day my goal is to have more space, with a dedicated area for my printer and scanner, another space for storing paintings, and another to actually paint.
For now, I do everything here… and for now, this feels like enough.
Here I am working on Be Still, one of the original paintings in my portfolio. The painting is semi-complete (no words, no big, bright moon, fewer trees), and looking back at this stage thrills me to no end. You can expect all kinds of start-to-finish painting posts when I start my next series of paintings this summer, as I think we can learn so much from process, mistakes, and new techniques. Can’t wait!
Last but not least, here are some of my favorite art supplies. For more details, see my FAQs page.
Now I’d love to know: how do you kneel and kiss the ground? What hobby, creative outlet, or job do you have in your life that lights you up inside? Let me know one example in the comments below.
Taking aerials classes made me feel very free. While some moves were a struggle physically and mentally. The feeling of conquering a fear and letting go of the fabric, trusting that I had wrapped myself up properly and would not fall was a wonderful one. I decided I’m going to start up again because I really miss it. Although a school I signed up for last week, went out of business the day after I signed up – not a sign! haha!
Elizabeth McDonnell
I can imagine how freeing that must feel! I’ve always been so proud of you for trying and sticking with something so challenging. I totally think you should start again, and hopefully there’s another school not out of business?? haha xo.