Magic, perspective, and Isaac’s 11 month photo shoot!
“Children see magic because they look for it” Christopher Moore
I’m so glad you’re here. Here’s what’s going on in my world today:
I love the idea that the world is full of everyday magic, and that there’s endless combinations of color, art, natural wonder, and experience to discover if you’re receptive to seeking it out.
I had to go into the city last week for an appointment and on the walk back to the car, we decided to stop by a festival in a nearby park.
There is inspiration everywhere.
What will you see today? Go out and find some magic!
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Creatively, surrounding myself with bright and happy colors is a form of self care and helps me feel that everyday magic. For example: a few days ago after I’d put Isaac to sleep, I sat at my art table and put the final touches on my painting (it’s done! hooray!).
I’d been feeling tired and maybe a bit cranky after a VERY long day, but as I looked around at the painting and my paints and the rows of bright inks, I was able to see my daily work space with renewed gratitude. Here’s what I saw:
The glowing object on the left is a salt lamp, meant to relax and soothe and help remove toxins from the air. I love the peaceful glow and it definitely does calm me down.
The $5 in the background is the first profit I ever made from my business and I’ve kept it as a reminder of where my business started, how inspired and terrified I was to begin, and how wonderfully astonished I am to be continuing down this path.
The framed photo is one of the first I have from when Eric and I started dating. We’ll always be young in our hearts, right? This photo never fails to makes me smile.
The rows of little jars are acrylic inks in all different colors, and the inks are some of my absolute favorite supplies. They’re a delight.
And here’s a close up of my new art supplies, which give me a happy thrill every time I look at the rainbow of colors. Gouache is seriously fun to mix and add to the inks and paints I already love:
Really, nothing changed during that moment where I sat at my table but my own perspective. I’m grateful that we always have the power to make a mental shift (especially on the hard days), to see our worlds in a brighter light.
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Isaac turned 11 months old late last week and so this past weekend we did his monthly photo shoot. I can’t believe there’s only 1 photo shoot left (his 1st birthday!).
New this month: crawling, pulling up to stand, waving, clapping, and his first tooth. It’s been a wild few weeks, friends.
We tested out this month’s sticker when Isaac was taking a bath to see how it would hold up. The result: so well! These stickers are so sturdy and durable and they really hold up against water or drool. You can find out more about the monthly sticker set in the shop.
And finally, I got my own picture with my little guy. I don’t think he’s an exact replica of me, but we do have the same coloring.
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I came across another reason to be thankful as I was packing up orders over the weekend.
It’s never a surprise to me when people tell me the purpose behind a print or note card or painting purchase. The answer always boils down to love, whether they’re buying as a gift or to brighten up their own homes.
I’ve come to fully realize over the years that helping people share their love is one of the very top reasons I adore making and sharing my art.
And what’s more magical than love?
I’ll leave you today with one of my favorite, favorite quotes:
And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it (Roald Dahl).
But I know you’ll find it, friends. And so will I.
With love,
What a positive post! Thank you! I’ve had a super stressful time…since mid-March? This was just what I needed for a respite.
Elizabeth McDonnell
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having such a stressful time! that’s never fun. But I’m glad this helped a bit. :)