• Hi can relate to your blog post about feeling stuck and being afraid of change!

    Almost on a daily basis I have little gremlins in my head that try to keep me from moving forward. They tell me not to post something on my blog because it’s not good enough etc. etc. but try to simply ignore the negative thoughts and similar to your reflections above: “take one day at a time.” I think that sometimes the desire to obtain perfection ends up holding me back. My mantra for the year has been “done is better than perfect.”

    September 03, 2014
    • Elizabeth McDonnell

      Kelly, I think you’re being really smart by recognizing perfectionism for what it is and moving forward anyway. Good for you! I’m not sure those little voices in our heads go away, but they do get easier to deal with when you take consistent action!

      September 03, 2014
  • Really identify with those fears! They come up for me a lot. One moment I can be completely enthusiastic and feeling like I’m poised to take over the world, then the next moment I feel like my ideas suck and nothing will ever work out lol. My best strategy is to-do lists with attainable goals. Whenever I have a whole day for my art business I will set 3 goals. They are meaty goals, but achievable within a day. Things such as write a newsletter, a blog post, film & edit a video. That way I keep moving forward without feeling too overwhelmed. I also have more long term goals that might not be achievable in one day, but I work on them gradually and break them down so I complete them as part of my 3 goals a day structure.

    September 03, 2014
    • Elizabeth McDonnell

      Iris – I completely agree with you about to-do lists, and not setting too many goals for one day. Sounds like you’re well poised to keep building your art business, even though it can still feel overwhelming at various points along the way. I’m excited to see where you go!

      September 03, 2014

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