Follow the whispers (art-in-progress, new sketches, and more)
“What is calling you? Follow the whispers” Kelly Rae Roberts
As I’ve mentioned in the past, my first artist mentor was Kelly Rae Roberts, a social worker turned artist who has captivated so many people with her art, inspiration, and generous spirit.
Kelly Rae talks often about following the whispers, or tuning inwards to the quiet voice that nudges each of us to say yes, this is good, I’m inspired, let’s give this a try.
I remember my first creative whisper came after I discovered her website and couldn’t get her story out of my mind. It took me months to realize that I kept thinking about her art because I wanted to paint also, but in that interim period I just sat with the feeling that my heart was trying to tell me something and that with patience I would figure it out.
I’ve always loved that she calls these moments when we’re quietly nudged in certain directions as whispers. A whisper is gentle, non-threatening. A whisper is only heard if we’re curious and paying attention.
What whispers have you been hearing lately in your own life?
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This past week I started a new painting. I’m not sure yet where this will go, but I have a background to work with. Usually when I get to this stage I leave the painting alone for a few days until I get a nudge about which direction I want to take.
So, here’s where I am now:
The color variations are the result of scraping layers of wet paint away with a little metal tool. I love how scraping the top layer creates these multi-colored sections with such variations in the texture.
What do you see in this background? I’d love to hear your ideas!
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I took a break from animal drawings this week to sketch flowers, trees, etc. My sketching goal is always to be loose, have fun, and just draw whatever comes to mind. Once I let go of the judgment that my sketches had to be beautiful / perfect / realistic, I’ve been having much more fun:
I began this second sketch on a recent trip to the arboretum with a local artist friend Lisa. The weather has been unseasonably warm in Philadelphia lately, and we had a November afternoon to sit outside and sketch.
I love the Fall! The trees in PA turn the most beautiful colors:
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And as we’re now well into November, the holiday season will begin soon! Can you believe it? Stay tuned for holiday shipping deadlines and more in the November 25 newsletter / blog.
In the meantime, I’m enjoying these last warm days. I’m painting again. I’m taking walks outside and going to bed on time.
I’ve found that I can only hear my own whispers (nudges, creative urges, inspirations) when I’m taking care of myself and creating little pockets of quiet throughout each day.
When was the last time you saw / heard / experienced something and felt a little jolt of unexpected excitement?
Write down that moment on a piece of paper and keep it by your bed or your computer or your mirror.
You may not know where that excitement could lead you, or even why you’re feeling it yet, but that’s okay. What matters is that you’re curious.
The rest will come in time.
With love,
Leah Alexandra
love the stars on the trees!!!
Elizabeth McDonnell
Leah – yay!!