5 ways to fill your well (plus, painting progress!)
“The wound is the place where the light enters you” Rumi
How do you fill your well?
This week I’ve been thinking about how to fill back up our wells when we’re feeling depleted / tired / stressed.
Ive been stumbling through my days lately as Isaac is going through a growth spurt and has been waking up many times throughout the night. I know we’ll get to the other side of this but in the meantime I’ve been seeking ways to keep my spirits up.
I’ve made progress on my stickers, which always makes me happy, and so that’s the first way I’ve found to fill the well: carve out even a few minutes here and there to do the thing you most enjoy doing.
Here’s month 11, which I finished last week:
I also drew months 10 and 12 over again as I wasn’t happy with the original sketches. Here’s month 10 in progress (there’s still a good amount of work to be done, especially with the color):
And here’s the sketch for 12, which is now much more celebratory as the last month of the set:
I’ve been really enjoying how the paintings all look together as well. Here’s the set in progress:
Aren’t they fun? I’m feeling really good about starting and almost finishing a painting project this summer while having an infant. It hasn’t been easy, and I think that’s part of the reason I love this slow but steady progress.
Here’s the second way I’ve found to fill the well: don’t lose sight of how far you’ve come. We’re all doing the best we can do. Plus, celebrating progress feels good and keeps things in perspective.
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Speaking of progress, I took Isaac’s 4 month picture recently (even if we were a little late – he’ll be 5 months in 2 weeks!). Here’s the shot:
He looks so much older to me now when I compare this photo to the previous months. I can’t wait to see the full progression (stickers and all!) once he hits 1 year.
Looking at his little face also reinforces for me why I’m doing what I’m doing. I started my business well before he was born of course, but Isaac is one of the most important reasons why I’ll never give up.
Here’s a third way to fill the well: remember why you do what you do, as that will help the hard days feel easier and the good days feel even better.
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I said a happy goodbye to one of the original animal paintings recently. Here’s the photo before we packaged it up:
I floated the original over a mat so the edges weren’t lost, then added the frame. The other paintings will slowly make their way into the shop (except the fox, which has also found a home), but please just email me in the meantime if you’d like more information about one of the other originals.
Sending an original painting out into the world also reminds me how special it’s been to create happiness for other people through art. I love sharing little pieces of my heart this way and that brings me to #4: live generously and share your ideas and love with other people.
You never know who might need your message of love, but someone always does. Connect and spread happiness!
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I love the Rumi quote above – the wound is the place where the light enters you – as it brings me to my fifth way to fill the well: make time to see the people who light you up and make you feel at home.
This past weekend I saw my oldest friends (we met in elementary school and they feel more like family than friends). We live in 3 different states and can’t all be together regularly, so this was a long-anticipated day. I’m just grateful.
Here we are, with our kiddos:
Love, love, love.
Go out and hug a friend today! Hugs brighten everything, even sleepless nights.
With love,