Freedom, art, and the magic of beginnings
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings” Meister Eckhart
I love the shifting seasons (hello, fresh start and cooler weather!), and always use the season markers as an excuse to reflect back. I was happy then to receive the most beautiful reminder of what it is to take a journey right before the equinox.
Here was my reminder, via Facebook:
There are days when I feel like I’ve been on this path forever, others when I feel like I’ve just begun. Thank you Universe for the reminder that at the core of everything we’re all simply seeking joy and freedom.
I’m feeling major gratitude for my younger self and the decision three years ago to just begin. What followed that beginning has set my heart and life in motion in so many unexpected ways.
Trust the magic of beginnings.
I'd like to read more, please»Embracing imperfections (plus a new article, sketches, and more)
“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together” Brene Brown
The last few weeks have felt full.
Appointments, lots of orders to fill (thank you!), a lingering cold demanding lots of naps, the start of the holidays, the end of the semester for Eric. My daily challenge has been to see the joy through the busy. So far so good.
Eric’s currently finishing up a photography class. Look at this set up I helped him with the other day. I dropped fruit into an aquarium of water so he could photograph the impact. Super bonus: I now get to eat tons of leftover fruit.
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How will you take action today? (plus a new painting!)
- At September 24, 2014
- By Elizabeth McDonnell
- In Business, Dreams
- 3
“The future is always beginning now” – Mark Strand
When was the last time someone encouraged you to take action?
Perhaps it was a friend or your parents, wishing to motivate you towards your next big goal? Perhaps it was you, ready to create your own version of change?
As I’ve become more aware of the concept of resistance, I’ve recognized that taking action can be just plain hard. I imagine most of us know the difficulty of starting to exercise or sticking to a new diet, but resistance also sneaks into much smaller, tougher to reach places, emerging when you’re at the most complicated stages of your journey.
My resistance pops up in subtle ways, as I reorganize my supplies or update my to-do list multiple times and somehow never get to painting. I can spend too long sifting through my emails, or letting my mind wander when I’m supposed to be writing. It would be too easy to say that I don’t have enough time to create, when really what I need is an honest look at how I prioritize my time.
Painting and writing are crucial to my happiness, but creating and sharing new work also makes me feel vulnerable. No wonder there’s a little resistance at work there! Knowing that this is a point of resistance for me is super helpful actually, because then I can choose to move beyond it.
I'd like to read more, please»Starting my own business: the six week update
- At August 13, 2014
- By Elizabeth McDonnell
- In Business, Dreams
- 10
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius
I’m suddenly six weeks into starting my own business, which amazes me when I think about it.
After having the idea to begin painting and selling my art less than one year ago, and wondering if I dared to try.
After so many months of planning, and dreaming, and wondering if I have what it takes. After so many months of alternating between excitement and doubt, excitement and doubt.
While I still haven’t figured everything out, while I am still very much at the beginning of this journey, the bubble of self-doubt that has lived inside my heart for so many years is beginning to break down.
And the most amazing part is that the bubble of doubt is slowly being replaced by peace. I feel the peace-flickers popping up here and there: when I am working on a new painting or when I am answering one of your questions. When I am setting up my new Pinterest account (which is here! come find me!), or when I am writing these blog entries.
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