The animal collection is LIVE! plus, other updates
“Why is patience so important? Because it makes us pay attention” Paulo Coelho
Happy October!
Here we are in one of my favorite months of the year as the temperatures begin to drop and the leaves change color. Is anyone else breathing a sigh of relief now that the last waves of summer heat are over? I love warmer clothes, hot drinks, and excuses to snuggle up. Here’s a recent picture of Isaac and I enjoying some weekend cuddle time:
I have some progress on the sticker project to share today, as well as the completed animal collection (it’s FINALLY in the shop!).
Over the weekend I celebrated my collection going live, as well as having most of the monthly paintings done, as sometimes progress is hard to see and I forget to acknowledge it. Writing this week’s blog post acted as my reminder that progress is always amazing no matter how or when it happens.
Some of my favorite reminders from this week: paintings do eventually get done even if I can only work on them an hour per week, and connections are made stronger through one shared smile or email at a time. Pushing too hard strips the fun out of everything, and so slowly working towards a goal is preferable to letting that goal sit and wait until “the perfect time.” I feel like a broken record lately with my repeat of progress is better than perfection, but it still rings true.
If you take stock of your life over the past few weeks, guaranteed you’ve done more than you’re giving yourself credit for.
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Here’s a revised version of month 3, as well as month 9. Both need some more basic touch-ups but are almost done.
I’m getting closer – 3 more paintings to go!
Next we have all of the new animal prints and cards in the shop.
This is really thanks to Eric who did lots of editing for me while I was taking care of Isaac – it’s truly amazing to have a partner who supports my dream in addition to his own and I always tell him that I never want to run this business without him. Yay teamwork!
There are 9 new animal designs listed and they come in a few variations. Below we have the 13 x 19 print size and the 8.5 x 11 print size (which also comes matted in an 11 x 14 white mat). It’s on my list to do a big photo shoot to showcase the prints in detail, so stay tuned for that. Also below: a few of the new note card designs.
To see the rest of the prints and note cards, check out the shop.
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The other recent excitement is that a dear friend of mine gave me a birthday gift back in May to see my favorite band when they came to town, and the concert was this past weekend. Who’s heard of Sigur Ros?
I’ve loved Sigur Ros for over 15 years and this was the second time I’ve seen them in concert. The music is so many things – beautiful, haunting, sad, energetic, strange – and some of their songs hold incredibly deep meaning for me (for example, the entrance and exit music for my wedding was Sigur Ros music). Needless to say, I’ve been looking forward to seeing them again for months.
The concert was held at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, which is a beautiful and more intimate space for a concert.
This was a very needed break (and my first evening away from Isaac since he was born). Go listen to Sigur Ros and remember this: it’s going to be a great day. :)
With love,