2015 reflections (plus, my favorite word for 2016)
“Observe how endings become beginnings” Lao Tzu
I’ve always loved honoring the passage of time with specific markers (a new day / month / year, one season of life ending and another about to begin).
The end of the year is no different, as we make the transition from 2015 to 2016. I decided to give myself a true rest for the holidays this year, and will be taking some time off between Christmas and New Years. Hello, search for balance!
In the meantime, I want to look at some of the highlights from this year.
2015 reflections
This was a year of experimentation and growth. I left my full time job in December 2014, and the next several months were steeped in an immense transition from non-profit employee to being my own boss.
To make the transition easier, I did a lot of painting. Here are just a few of my favorites from 2015:
Twilight. Print available here.
Daylight. Print available here.
Light. Print available here.
Celebrate the journey. Print available here.
Let’s go on an adventure. Print available here.
Wherever we go. Print available here.
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I also worked hard to be seen in 2015. I mean this in two ways: getting my art and message out into the world via articles and partnerships and craft shows, but also through increasing honesty and vulnerability within my writing.
I’ve published a number of articles, and plan to keep writing in 2016. In case you missed any of the articles, here they are:
- How to bring kindness back: a look at the impacts of self-criticism, kindness, self-love (published on the Enlightenment is Sexy blog)
- We are enough (a story of love, art, and healing): how my definition of worthiness has shifted during my journey as an artist (published on the Tut.com blog)
- How to discover your creativity on the path to mindful living: how creativity led me towards a more mindful, peaceful life (published on the Sivana Spirit blog)
- A simple practice to appreciate our bodies, flaws and all: a practice that’s helped me to move beyond self-criticism and doubt (published on the Tiny Buddha blog)
I began working with UncommonGoods, which has proved to be a wonderful partnership so far. I’ve been thankful that my art has reached SO many new people this holiday season. Truly, truly thankful.
I also tried craft shows! We did two shows (September and October, 2015), extensively researched how the booth should look and feel, and met so many great people. Here are a few of my favorite pictures:
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As my painting style has grown over the year, so has my interest in animals and the stories they can tell. I’ve done a lot of sketching in preparation for including many more animals in my work in 2016. Here are some of my favorites:
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December 3, 2015 marked the 1-year anniversary of leaving my full-time job and setting out on my own. I’ve been excited, scared, exhausted, exhilarated. I’ve felt the pressure of trying to do it all and still have a balanced life (is balance ever truly possible? Hard to know, but always worth a shot). I’ve learned my share of lessons on discovering joy within an increasingly busy schedule, on finding gratitude in the every day moments, and letting the doubt / fear / insecurity gremlins move through me without letting them rule my life.
I’ve learned that my voice and my art are worth sharing, and that inspiring people inside their own lives is one of my favorite things in the entire world.
I’ve learned that allow is the word that will follow me into 2016 (I’m seeking space for change, growth, and new forms of creativity without trying to control each outcome or know the exact path ahead of time). I want to allow for generosity of spirit and new partnerships that feel good. I’m a planner by heart, but in 2016 I also want to give my intuition a larger voice. More than anything, I want to continue sending my art to people who need more love and inspiration and bright color in their lives, and I want that exchange to unfold joyfully.
When we allow, we don’t push as rigidly. We don’t ignore. We listen, tune in, feel whatever feelings need to come through, and stay open to all kinds of possibility. I want all kinds of life and work to be possible this year. Let’s see what unfolds!
I hope you all have a beautiful holiday season, and especially for those of us who need a little extra love, comfort, and care around this time of year, I’m thinking about you and holding you in my heart.
With love,